Forums - What is the use of Cyclops Tracking Super Beam? Show all 9 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- What is the use of Cyclops Tracking Super Beam? ( Posted by OrangeCat on 11:01:2000 11:10 AM: Just wondering what is the tatical advantge, other than being able to track, that Cyclops Tracking Optic Blast super has? I mean I'm not dissing it or anything, but it seems to me that it's pretty much a great combo finisher? Is that right? I mean I think there are some combos which I saw performed required a TOB (Tracking Optic Blast) Other than the MOB super. Also more reasons I ask is, A) What is the actual damamge of it? I know it's very small considering many supers were toned down, but is it significant to use one super for it? B) I guess I mentioned it, but is it really worth one super? Although I suppose that supers are built up faster than brick walls on crack. Thanks to any responses Orange Cat Posted by shadyKloud on 11:01:2000 01:25 PM: It's almost as damaging as a MOB. Less startup time, more flexibiliy, less chip damage though. Easier to combo too. Posted by HitmanSNK on 11:01:2000 08:12 PM: I think it's good for anti-air since the super can be directed upwards. Posted by nefdar on 11:01:2000 08:43 PM: It does roughly the same damage as a MOB, and comes out faster, but it chips less. Play against a good Storm, Dhalsim, Doom, BH, Sentinel, and you'll see the use of the tracking beam really fast. Gets em fast when they're flying around the top of the screen raining death down upon you, much easier and more practical than trying to SJ up there and MOB them. You can also redirect it to hit an assist if you are so inclined. Also, if you're SJing building meter and they call assist or do something beneath you, this is a good way to attack downwards. This is his better super. -Colin Posted by Tanaka Force on 11:01:2000 09:30 PM: IMO, I never use MOB, because of the recovery and start up. To put things simple, MOB can get you screwed. SOB(super optic blast) is much more useful and safer. B-Boy Tanaka of the M.T.Space Krew. Posted by xTrIgGeRMZZ on 11:02:2000 12:28 AM: really? i never knew that! what im talkin about is the damage the super optic blast being equal to the mega optic blast. i never fuckin knew that! well from now on im gonna be usin that instead. yup! Posted by Shuzer on 11:02:2000 04:06 AM: Actually, SOB does a little more damage than MOB. And for use in combos, it does more damage. 1 hit Cyclone Kick -> MOB does less damage than 2 hit Cyclone kick -> SOB. You can also do Optic Blast -> SOB to tag them from across the screen, doing good damage. For use outside of combos, doing air MOB is the safest for chipping, I believe(though never do it against Cable with meter). SOB should be used against flyers to bring them down to earth a little. Posted by Bantam13 on 11:19:2000 01:38 PM: Also, the Super Optic Blast is easier, not to mention more effective in damaging your opponent's incoming Assists. The Mega Optic Blast has a bit of trouble "holding" the enemy's Assist while damaging the character on point. They both can be chained after a Gene Splice in simple ground combos, but you can get a slight bit more out of the MOB when mashing. Both are great for chipping, but the SOB is safer overall to use. Bantam13 --Yes!! --First toil, then the grave. Posted by kdcmarvel on 11:20:2000 07:55 AM: With SoB, your opponent has less chances to charge meter too. If he does a move with lag and you're high in the air, you can do a SoB to DHC(when you sj your opponent can't switch or he can take a powerful DHC). I hope it helps a little more. All times are GMT. The time now is 04:53 PM. Show all 9 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.